Additional shortcuts for keyboard navigation

Issue #33 open
Bohdan Melnychuk created an issue

It would be nice to make some keyboard navigations. E.g. arrow-left or a for male arrow down or s to skip arrow-right or d for female. It would make the thing even more fast to play in.

Comments (13)

  1. Bohdan Melnychuk reporter

    Ah I've just noticed that it already has shortcats. But I think some extra ones wouldn't harm :)

  2. Waldir Pimenta

    Yes, arrow-based navigation would be a nice addition to the current 1-2-3 shortcuts. Maybe ASD as well :)

    @cladis please update the title of this issue to read something like "Additional shortcuts for keyboard navigation", for clarity :)

  3. Bohdan Melnychuk reporter

    Well we're now discussing what piece of code doing it looks better but in any of them it works so seems that the issue is resolved.

  4. Waldir Pimenta

    Maybe we could leave this open to discuss whether it would make sense to use the , W, and 5 keys for the flag action (issue #16). That way, the shape of the options would be an inverted T in all cases (the arrow keys, WASD, and in the numpad), and the flag action would appropriately be the one out of the horizontal row.

  5. Bohdan Melnychuk reporter

    Hm it really looks appropriate place for the discussion. Since e.g. I would rather put flagging to p button (''p''roblem). I think if if would be upper donno button one may press it accidentally. Let it be so — (re)opened the issue.

  6. Waldir Pimenta

    Any of the buttons being pressed accidentally would be a problem (except for the middle one). The fact that it would be in a different row from the main keys could mitigate the possibility of misclicks. Also, if #29 is implemented, this would be less serious :)

    In any case we should focus on the position of keys, not their meaning, since that will only hold for at most a few languages (even in English it wouldn't be 100% intuitive, for example I would expect f, for flag).

  7. Bohdan Melnychuk reporter

    Hm I though about it and it seems that mispress depend on person very much (where a person keeps his/her fingers and what way press buttons with them) or on person's keyboard. For me vertical mispresses are more likely to happen so I stated that :) Well about the second part you're quite right. And also I take it for granted that the game would have localized interface somewhen and it would make intuition thing even more complicated definitely.

  8. Waldir Pimenta

    Why? There's a standard key for that kind of action, backspace. It feels much more intuitive to me... And come to think about that, we could use delete for the flagging item, since that essentially means "delete from this listing" :) and that does away with the issue of pressing the wrong key by mistake ;) what do you think?

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