Unwanted behaviour in QuickStatements when (re-)starting Chrome / creates duplicate Wikidata records

Issue #71 duplicate
Heinz-Günter Kuper created an issue

Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit)

Summary: When launching Chrome with the option set to resume browsing in the state before shutdown ("continue where you left off"), an already executed set of statements (including "CREATE") in QuickStatements are re-executed, causing duplicate records in Wikidata. Wouldn't go so far as to call this a bug, but I do think it is unintended behaviour. Not sure if there's a fix, but I thought it was important enough to report. Maybe a warning on the page to users would be a good idea?

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Chrome:Settings –> "On startup" –> "Continue where you left off" selected.
  2. Enter statements in QuickStatements, beginning with "CREATE" (see attached file for example).
  3. Execute statements and then quit browser.
  4. Restart browser. Statements are automatically re-executed.

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