The .pc (pkg-config) file content is inconsistent with include usage.

Issue #60 resolved
Former user created an issue

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Comments (2)

  1. smunaut

    (damnit, pressed enter and it created the issue with no description ...)

    What I mean is that in the .pc you have : 
    Cflags: -I${includedir}/m4ri -g -O2  -mmmx -msse -msse2 -msse3 -fopenmp
    And then in m4ri.h you have :
    #include <m4ri/XXX.h>
    So either you need to :
     1) Expect the user to include <m4ri.h>, have  -I${includedir}/m4ri  in the .pc  and use #include <XXX.h> in your internal files.
     2) Expect the user to include <m4ri/m4ri.h>, have  -I${includedir}  in the .pc  and use #include <m4ri/XXX.h> in your internal files.
  2. Martin Albrecht repo owner should include $includedir with /m4ri at the end

    m4ri.h expects the user to include ${includedir} but the pkg-config file suggests to include ${includedir}/m4ri which is inconsistent. It is better to include <m4ri/m4ri.h> to avoid conflicts if another project uses the same header filename as one of our headers.

    This fixes #60

    → <<cset 77ae998a5729>>

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