matrix windows with column % 128 == 64

Issue #63 resolved
Martin Albrecht repo owner created an issue

The attached programm will segfault on most architectures as reported at

Comments (2)

  1. Martin Albrecht reporter

    This bug is because of an undocumented requirement that columns need to be multiples of 128 (not only of 64). This is because we SSE2 in some routines and those routines expect inputs to be 128-bit aligned.

    Fix: we'd need to make sure our M4RI tables are aligned properly with the input instead of simply assuming that the input is 16-byte aligned (create tables and then make appropriate windows).

    Workaround: If performance is not much of an issue, then ./configure --disable-sse2 also works, which disables the use SS2. To debug this issue, try ./configure --enable-debug --enable-debug-mzd

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