header location for png.h should be used in the build

Issue #77 resolved
Dmitrii Pasechnik created an issue

In the settting such as Conda the compiler might not look in the usual locations for png.h, without given -I.

It should not be hard to pkg-config --cflags libpng (or the autoconf equivalent of this) to get the correct -I to add to CFLAGS. See https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/LMFRiG9Y0ZM/m/pq8gvU0TCQAJ for an m4ri failing build log

Comments (7)

  1. Dmitrii Pasechnik reporter

    yes, this builds and passes tests on the latest conda 4.9 (on Linux), with conda-supplied PNG.

  2. Dmitrii Pasechnik reporter

    I’ve also checked that the m4rie built with so configured/built m4ri works, as well.

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