
Clone wiki

eudamu / DataFlow

System Components Data Flow

##1. NL Input

If I receive an email from Sandra:get the image attached to it and publish in my Twitter and Facebook

##2. Preprocessing

        "action_instances": [],
        "id": "97112#1", 
        "nl_command_statment": "If I receive an email from Sandra, get the image attached to it and publish in my Twitter and Facebook.",
         "nl_command_statment!_sxnt": [
                "sxnt_dep": "mark", "sxnt_frm": "If", "sxnt_hed": "3", "sxnt_pos": "ADP", "sxnt_tid": "1", "sxnt_xpo": "IN"
                "sxnt_dep": "nsubj", "sxnt_frm": "I", "sxnt_hed": "3", "sxnt_pos": "PRON", "sxnt_tid": "2", "sxnt_xpo": "PRP"
                "sxnt_dep": "advcl", "sxnt_frm": "receive", "sxnt_hed": "9", "sxnt_pos": "VERB", "sxnt_tid": "3", "sxnt_xpo": "VBP"
                "sxnt_dep": "det", "sxnt_frm": "an", "sxnt_hed": "5", "sxnt_pos": "DET", "sxnt_tid": "4", "sxnt_xpo": "DT"
                "sxnt_dep": "dobj", "sxnt_frm": "email", "sxnt_hed": "3", "sxnt_pos": "NOUN", "sxnt_tid": "5", "sxnt_xpo": "NN"
                "sxnt_dep": "prep", "sxnt_frm": "from", "sxnt_hed": "3", "sxnt_pos": "ADP", "sxnt_tid": "6", "sxnt_xpo": "IN"
                "sxnt_dep": "pobj", "sxnt_frm": "Sandra", "sxnt_hed": "6", "sxnt_pos": "NOUN", "sxnt_tid": "7", "sxnt_xpo": "NNP"
                "sxnt_dep": "punct", "sxnt_frm": ",", "sxnt_hed": "9", "sxnt_pos": ".", "sxnt_tid": "8", "sxnt_xpo": ","
                "sxnt_dep": "ROOT", "sxnt_frm": "get", "sxnt_hed": "0", "sxnt_pos": "VERB", "sxnt_tid": "9", "sxnt_xpo": "VB"
                "sxnt_dep": "det", "sxnt_frm": "the", "sxnt_hed": "11", "sxnt_pos": "DET", "sxnt_tid": "10", "sxnt_xpo": "DT"
                "sxnt_dep": "dobj", "sxnt_frm": "image", "sxnt_hed": "9", "sxnt_pos": "NOUN", "sxnt_tid": "11", "sxnt_xpo": "NN"
                "sxnt_dep": "partmod", "sxnt_frm": "attached", "sxnt_hed": "11", "sxnt_pos": "VERB", "sxnt_tid": "12", "sxnt_xpo": "VBN"
                "sxnt_dep": "prep", "sxnt_frm": "to", "sxnt_hed": "12", "sxnt_pos": "ADP", "sxnt_tid": "13", "sxnt_xpo": "IN"
                "sxnt_dep": "pobj", "sxnt_frm": "it", "sxnt_hed": "13", "sxnt_pos": "PRON", "sxnt_tid": "14", "sxnt_xpo": "PRP"
                "sxnt_dep": "cc", "sxnt_frm": "and", "sxnt_hed": "9", "sxnt_pos": "CONJ", "sxnt_tid": "15", "sxnt_xpo": "CC"
                "sxnt_dep": "conj", "sxnt_frm": "publish", "sxnt_hed": "9", "sxnt_pos": "VERB", "sxnt_tid": "16", "sxnt_xpo": "VB"
                "sxnt_dep": "prep", "sxnt_frm": "in", "sxnt_hed": "16", "sxnt_pos": "ADP", "sxnt_tid": "17", "sxnt_xpo": "IN"
                "sxnt_dep": "poss", "sxnt_frm": "my", "sxnt_hed": "19", "sxnt_pos": "PRON", "sxnt_tid": "18", "sxnt_xpo": "PRP$"
                "sxnt_dep": "pobj", "sxnt_frm": "Twitter", "sxnt_hed": "17", "sxnt_pos": "NOUN", "sxnt_tid": "19", "sxnt_xpo": "NNP"
                "sxnt_dep": "cc", "sxnt_frm": "and", "sxnt_hed": "19", "sxnt_pos": "CONJ", "sxnt_tid": "20", "sxnt_xpo": "CC"
                "sxnt_dep": "conj", "sxnt_frm": "Facebook", "sxnt_hed": "19", "sxnt_pos": "NOUN", "sxnt_tid": "21", "sxnt_xpo": "NNP"
                "sxnt_dep": "punct", "sxnt_frm": ".", "sxnt_hed": "9", "sxnt_pos": ".", "sxnt_tid": "22", "sxnt_xpo": "."
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp": [
                    "beg": 0, "dep": "mark", "end": 2, "hed": 3, "lem": "if", "ner": "O", "pos": "IN", "tid": 1, "tok": "If", "wrd": "If"
                    "beg": 3, "dep": "nsubj", "end": 4, "hed": 3, "lem": "I", "ner": "O", "pos": "PRP", "tid": 2, "tok": "I", "wrd": "I"
                    "beg": 5, "dep": "advcl", "end": 12, "hed": 9, "lem": "receive", "ner": "O", "pos": "VBP", "tid": 3, "tok": "receive", "wrd": "receive"
                    "beg": 13, "dep": "det", "end": 15, "hed": 5, "lem": "a", "ner": "O", "pos": "DT", "tid": 4, "tok": "an", "wrd": "an"
                    "beg": 16, "dep": "dobj", "end": 21, "hed": 3, "lem": "email", "ner": "O", "pos": "NN", "tid": 5, "tok": "email", "wrd": "email"
                    "beg": 22, "dep": "case", "end": 26, "hed": 7, "lem": "from", "ner": "O", "pos": "IN", "tid": 6, "tok": "from", "wrd": "from"
                    "beg": 27, "dep": "nmod", "end": 33, "hed": 3, "lem": "Sandra", "ner": "PERSON", "pos": "NNP", "tid": 7, "tok": "Sandra", "wrd": "Sandra"
                    "beg": 33, "dep": "punct", "end": 34, "hed": 9, "lem": ",", "ner": "O", "pos": ",", "tid": 8, "tok": ",", "wrd": ","
                    "beg": 35, "dep": "ROOT", "end": 38, "hed": 0, "lem": "get", "ner": "O", "pos": "VB", "tid": 9, "tok": "get", "wrd": "get"
                    "beg": 39, "dep": "det", "end": 42, "hed": 11, "lem": "the", "ner": "O", "pos": "DT", "tid": 10, "tok": "the", "wrd": "the"
                    "beg": 43, "dep": "dobj", "end": 48, "hed": 9, "lem": "image", "ner": "O", "pos": "NN", "tid": 11, "tok": "image", "wrd": "image"
                    "beg": 49, "dep": "acl", "end": 57, "hed": 11, "lem": "attach", "ner": "O", "pos": "VBN", "tid": 12, "tok": "attached", "wrd": "attached"
                    "beg": 58, "dep": "case", "end": 60, "hed": 14, "lem": "to", "ner": "O", "pos": "TO", "tid": 13, "tok": "to", "wrd": "to"
                    "beg": 61, "dep": "nmod", "end": 63, "hed": 12, "lem": "it", "ner": "O", "pos": "PRP", "tid": 14, "tok": "it", "wrd": "it"
                    "beg": 64, "dep": "cc", "end": 67, "hed": 9, "lem": "and", "ner": "O", "pos": "CC", "tid": 15, "tok": "and", "wrd": "and"
                    "beg": 68, "dep": "conj", "end": 75, "hed": 9, "lem": "publish", "ner": "O", "pos": "VB", "tid": 16, "tok": "publish", "wrd": "publish"
                    "beg": 76, "dep": "case", "end": 78, "hed": 19, "lem": "in", "ner": "O", "pos": "IN", "tid": 17, "tok": "in", "wrd": "in"
                    "beg": 79, "dep": "nmod:poss", "end": 81, "hed": 19, "lem": "my", "ner": "O", "pos": "PRP$", "tid": 18, "tok": "my", "wrd": "my"
                    "beg": 82, "dep": "nmod", "end": 89, "hed": 16, "lem": "Twitter", "ner": "O", "pos": "NNP", "tid": 19, "tok": "Twitter", "wrd": "Twitter"
                    "beg": 90, "dep": "cc", "end": 93, "hed": 19, "lem": "and", "ner": "O", "pos": "CC", "tid": 20, "tok": "and", "wrd": "and"
                    "beg": 94, "dep": "conj", "end": 102, "hed": 19, "lem": "Facebook", "ner": "ORGANIZATION", "pos": "NNP", "tid": 21, "tok": "Facebook", "wrd": "Facebook"
                    "beg": 102, "dep": "punct", "end": 103, "hed": 9, "lem": ".", "ner": "O", "pos": ".", "tid": 22, "tok": ".", "wrd": "."
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_beg": [
                0, 3, 5, 13, 16, 22, 27, 33, 35, 39, 43, 49, 58, 61, 64, 68, 76, 79, 82, 90, 94, 102
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_dep": [
                "mark", "nsubj", "advcl", "det", "dobj", "case", "nmod", "punct", "ROOT", "det", "dobj", "acl", "case", "nmod", "cc", "conj", "case", "nmod:poss", "nmod", "cc", "conj", "punct"
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_end": [
                2, 4, 12, 15, 21, 26, 33, 34, 38, 42, 48, 57, 60, 63, 67, 75, 78, 81, 89, 93, 102, 103
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_hed": [
                3, 3, 9, 5, 3, 7, 3, 9, 0, 11, 9, 11, 14, 12, 9, 9, 19, 19, 16, 19, 19, 9
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_lem": [
                "if", "I", "receive", "a", "email", "from", "Sandra", ",", "get", "the", "image", "attach", "to", "it", "and", "publish", "in", "my", "Twitter", "and", "Facebook", "."
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_ner": [
                "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "PERSON", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "ORGANIZATION", "O"
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_par": [
            "(ROOT\n  (S\n    (SBAR (IN If)\n      (S\n        (NP (PRP I))\n        (VP (VBP receive)\n          (NP (DT an) (NN email))\n          (PP (IN from)\n            (NP (NNP Sandra))))))\n    (, ,)\n    (VP\n      (VP (VB get)\n        (NP\n          (NP (DT the) (NN image))\n          (VP (VBN attached)\n            (PP (TO to)\n              (NP (PRP it))))))\n      (CC and)\n      (VP (VB publish)\n        (PP (IN in)\n          (NP\n            (NP (PRP$ my) (NNP Twitter))\n            (CC and)\n            (NP (NNP Facebook))))))\n    (. .)))"
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_phr": [
                    "beg": 1, "cat": "IN", "end": 1, "txt": "If"
                    "beg": 2, "cat": "PRP", "end": 2, "txt": "I"
                    "beg": 2, "cat": "NP", "end": 2, "txt": "I"
                    "beg": 3, "cat": "VBP", "end": 3, "txt": "receive"
                    "beg": 4, "cat": "DT", "end": 4, "txt": "an"
                    "beg": 5, "cat": "NN", "end": 5, "txt": "email"
                    "beg": 4, "cat": "NP", "end": 5, "txt": "an email"
                    "beg": 6, "cat": "IN", "end": 6, "txt": "from"
                    "beg": 7, "cat": "NNP", "end": 7, "txt": "Sandra"
                    "beg": 7, "cat": "NP", "end": 7, "txt": "Sandra"
                    "beg": 6, "cat": "PP", "end": 7, "txt": "from Sandra"
                    "beg": 3, "cat": "VP", "end": 7, "txt": "receive an email from Sandra"
                    "beg": 2, "cat": "S", "end": 7, "txt": "I receive an email from Sandra"
                    "beg": 1, "cat": "SBAR", "end": 7, "txt": "If I receive an email from Sandra"
                    "beg": 8, "cat": ",", "end": 8, "txt": ","
                    "beg": 9, "cat": "VB", "end": 9, "txt": "get"
                    "beg": 10, "cat": "DT", "end": 10, "txt": "the"
                    "beg": 11, "cat": "NN", "end": 11, "txt": "image"
                    "beg": 10, "cat": "NP", "end": 11, "txt": "the image"
                    "beg": 12, "cat": "VBN", "end": 12, "txt": "attached"
                    "beg": 13, "cat": "TO", "end": 13, "txt": "to"
                    "beg": 14, "cat": "PRP", "end": 14, "txt": "it"
                    "beg": 14, "cat": "NP", "end": 14, "txt": "it"
                    "beg": 13, "cat": "PP", "end": 14, "txt": "to it"
                    "beg": 12, "cat": "VP", "end": 14, "txt": "attached to it"
                    "beg": 10, "cat": "NP", "end": 14, "txt": "the image attached to it"
                    "beg": 9, "cat": "VP", "end": 14, "txt": "get the image attached to it"
                    "beg": 15, "cat": "CC", "end": 15, "txt": "and"
                    "beg": 16, "cat": "VB", "end": 16, "txt": "publish"
                    "beg": 17, "cat": "IN", "end": 17, "txt": "in"
                    "beg": 18, "cat": "PRP$", "end": 18, "txt": "my"
                    "beg": 19, "cat": "NNP", "end": 19, "txt": "Twitter"
                    "beg": 18, "cat": "NP", "end": 19, "txt": "my Twitter"
                    "beg": 20, "cat": "CC", "end": 20, "txt": "and"
                    "beg": 21, "cat": "NNP", "end": 21, "txt": "Facebook"
                    "beg": 21, "cat": "NP", "end": 21, "txt": "Facebook"
                    "beg": 18, "cat": "NP", "end": 21, "txt": "my Twitter and Facebook"
                    "beg": 17, "cat": "PP", "end": 21, "txt": "in my Twitter and Facebook"
                    "beg": 16, "cat": "VP", "end": 21, "txt": "publish in my Twitter and Facebook"
                    "beg": 9, "cat": "VP", "end": 21, "txt": "get the image attached to it and publish in my Twitter and Facebook"
                    "beg": 22, "cat": ".", "end": 22, "txt": "."
                    "beg": 1, "cat": "S", "end": 22, "txt": "If I receive an email from Sandra , get the image attached to it and publish in my Twitter and Facebook ."
                    "beg": 1, "cat": "ROOT", "end": 22, "txt": "If I receive an email from Sandra , get the image attached to it and publish in my Twitter and Facebook ."
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_pos": [
                "IN", "PRP", "VBP", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNP", ",", "VB", "DT", "NN", "VBN", "TO", "PRP", "CC", "VB", "IN", "PRP$", "NNP", "CC", "NNP", "."
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_snt": [
            "If I receive an email from Sandra, get the image attached to it and publish in my Twitter and Facebook."
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_tid": [
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_tok": [
                "If", "I", "receive", "an", "email", "from", "Sandra", ",", "get", "the", "image", "attached", "to", "it", "and", "publish", "in", "my", "Twitter", "and", "Facebook", "."
        "nl_command_statment!cnlp_wrd": [
                "If", "I", "receive", "an", "email", "from", "Sandra", ",", "get", "the", "image", "attached", "to", "it", "and", "publish", "in", "my", "Twitter", "and", "Facebook", "."
        "nl_command_statment!util_nrm": "If I receive an email from Sandra, get the image attached to it and publish in my Twitter and Facebook.", "nl_command_statment!util_tok": [
            "If", "I", "receive", "an", "email", "from", "Sandra", ",", "get", "the", "image", "attached", "to", "it", "and", "publish", "in", "my", "Twitter", "and", "Facebook", "."
        "nl_command_statment!util_tok!nltk_con": [
            "If", "I", "receive", "email", "Sandra", "get", "image", "attached", "publish", "Twitter", "Facebook"
        "nl_command_statment!util_tok!nltk_con!nltk_lem": [
            "If", "I", "receive", "email", "Sandra", "get", "image", "attached", "publish", "Twitter", "Facebook"
        "nl_command_statment!util_tok!nltk_con!util_typ": [
            "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text"
        "nl_command_statment!util_tok!nltk_lem": [
            "If", "I", "receive", "an", "email", "from", "Sandra", ",", "get", "the", "image", "attached", "to", "it", "and", "publish", "in", "my", "Twitter", "and", "Facebook", "."
        "nl_command_statment!util_tok!user_ref": [
             [], [], [], [], [], [], [
             2, "name", 0
             ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
        "nl_command_statment!util_tok!util_beg": [
            0, 3, 5, 13, 16, 22, 27, 33, 35, 39, 43, 49, 58, 61, 64, 68, 76, 79, 82, 90, 94, 102
        "nl_command_statment!util_tok!util_end": [
            2, 4, 12, 15, 21, 26, 33, 34, 38, 42, 48, 57, 60, 63, 67, 75, 78, 81, 89, 93, 102, 103
        "nl_command_statment!util_tok!util_typ": [
            "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "punc", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "punc"

##3. Discourse tagger

        "action_instances": [],
        "id": "97112#1#1",
        "nl_command_statment": "If I receive an email from Sandra"
        "action_instances": [],
        "id": "97112#1#2",
        "nl_command_statment": "get the image attached to it and publish in my Twitter and Facebook ."

##4. Action ranker

    "action_instances": [
            "options": [
                    "id": 601225,
                    "name": "New email from",
                    "params": {},
                    "rank": 0,
                    "sim": 0.7356738448143005
                    "id": 600599,
                    "name": "New email in inbox from",
                    "params": {},
                    "rank": 1,
                    "sim": 0.7313122749328613
    "id": "97112#1#1",
    "nl_command_statment": "If I receive an email from Sandra",
    "action_instances": [
            "options": [
                    "id": 601733,
                    "name": "Post a tweet with image",
                    "params": {},
                    "rank": 0,
                    "sim": 0.6987764835357666
    "id": "97112#1#2",
    "nl_command_statment": "get the image attached to it and publish in my Twitter and Facebook ."

##5. Reference Matcher

    "action_instances": [
            "options": [
                    "id": 601733,
                    "name": "Post a tweet with image",
                    "params": [
                            "name": "image url",
                            "value": "<return1>.attachment"
                            "name": "image url",
                            "value": "<return1>.attachment"
                            "name": "image url",
                            "value": "<return1>.attachment"
                            "name": "image url",
                            "value": "<return1>.attachment"
                            "name": "image url",
                            "value": "<return1>.attachment"
                            "name": "image url",
                            "value": "<return1>.attachment"
                            "name": "image url",
                            "value": "<return1>.attachment"
                            "name": "image url",
                            "value": "<return1>.attachment"
                    "rank": 0,
                    "sim": 0.6987764835357666
    "id": "97112#1#2",
    "nl_command_statment": "get the image attached to it and publish in my Twitter and Facebook ."

##6. Param Matcher

        "action_instances": [
                "id": 601225,
                "name": "New email from",
                "params": [
                        "name": "sender's address",
                        "value": ""
                "rank": 0,
                "sim": 0.7356738448143005
        "id": "97112#1#1",
        "nl_command_statment": "If I receive an email from Sandra"
        "action_instances": [
                "id": 600599,
                "name": "New email in inbox from",
                "params": [
                        "name": "email address",
                        "value": ""
                "rank": 1,
                "sim": 0.7313122749328613
        "id": "97112#1#1",
        "nl_command_statment": "If I receive an email from Sandra"

##7. Statement Mapper

    "condition": {
      "options": [
          "name": "New email from", 
          "params": {
            "sender's address": ""
          "id": 601225
          "name": "New email in inbox from", 
          "params": {
            "email address": ""
          "id": 600599
    "consequent": {
      "name": "Post a tweet with image", 
      "params": {
        "image url": "<return1>.attachment"
      "id": 601733
