The rules for new features

Issue #2 resolved
Marine Kelley repo owner created an issue


As I stated in my blog (, new features must absolutely respect these three rules :

  1. Separation : A RLV shall not do what scripts can do. Otherwise it would stop being a platform and would become a competitor to the very projects it is supposed to support.

  2. Compatibility : A RLV shall not break content. That means we must assume that each existing command is already widely used across SL, and that changing it will upset a lot of people. Likewise, a new command shall not contradict an existing one.

  3. Security : A RLV shall never jeopardize the user's assets (be it inventory items, objects in-world, money or personal information).

When creating a new issue for a feature wish, please ensure your idea complies with these rules. Non-compliant features will be ignored.

Thank you for your understanding,


Comments (6)

  1. Marine Kelley reporter

    SL-15039 Prune unused preferences #2

    List of removed preferences (usused per statistics): BottomPanelNew BrowserHomePage BlockSomeAvatarAppearanceVisualParams ButtonHPad ButtonHeight ButtonHeightSmall CacheNumberOfRegionsForObjects ChatBarStealsFocus ChatLoadGroupTimeout ChatPersistTime ChatShowTimestamps ContextConeInAlpha ContextConeOutAlpha ContextConeFadeTime ConversationHistoryPageSize ContactsTornOff CurlMaximumNumberOfHandles CurlUseMultipleThreads CustomServer DebugShowPrivateMem

    → <<cset a53d111cfab7>>

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