Can't Browse the RLV Folder

Issue #20 open
Former user created an issue

As of yesterday, can no longer browse the #RLV Folder from open collar or from Dominatech. I assume the is from other objects as well. I tried this in both Viewer2, Firestorm and the RLV Viewers and all had the same result. This is rendoring the outfits and attach feature completely useless - please fix!

Comments (7)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner

    To whoever posted this issue (twice), please post a way to reproduce this bug, because as far as I know, this is working fine for me and for everybody else in SL (I know because this is tested daily through many scripts). And without a repro, given the very little detail you give, this would prove very hard to pinpoint the bug, provided it even exists.

    Please make sure that :

    • Your RLV is enabled (Firestorm disables it by default if I remember correctly), this disqualifies SL v2 since it does not have any RLV code in it
    • You are in a script-enabled area
    • You do have a #RLV folder in your inventory, with folders inside it
    • Your Dominatech and Open collars work (try with other products as well if you can)
    • Your connection is not too laggy (browsing folders requires a lot of queries-replies between the script and your viewer, if there is lag you could be victim of chatlag, and the script stops listening before it even receives the reply from your viewer)

    As a general rule, please keep in mind that the RLV is NOT in the front line when a bug arises. Scripts and usage are. In other words, before filing a bug about a script-RLV misbehavior, please make sure the script actually works in the first place, and that you are in the conditions to actually make the use case work.

    If it still happens despite all these steps, contact me in-world and we'll make a test.


  2. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Forgot to add, check you don't have another folder which name begins with "#RLV" !

  3. Kittin Ninetails

    I've seen this happen, but have been unable to figure out the steps to reliably reproduce the issue. In the case of OpenCollar, the Browse #RLV button simply vanishes from the menu only to mysteriously appear later. The times I've noticed it missing is when locked in cuffs and my own inventory isn't accessible. I'm wondering if there is a relationship, but have not investigated it further.

  4. Marine Kelley repo owner

    If the button vanishes sometimes and reappears other times without changing anything to the folders, it makes me think about chatlag and a short timeout. Chatlag because the response to the @getinv or @getinvworn commands is actually a chat message, subject to lag (unlike object-to-object messages in the same sim that are instantaneous and don't depend on any connection), and the timeout must be set to only a few seconds. We all know that chatlag can delay chat messages by 30 seconds or more, that's why my products hold a timeout of at least 30 seconds, sometimes a minute, just in case.

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