Draw distance

Issue #3 resolved
Marine Kelley repo owner created an issue

Chorazin Allen suggested a command to put a limit to the draw distance. Such a command would restrict to N meters max (N > 0) and would be a good addition to anything that restricts sight (blindfolds, simulated fog, simulated drunkenness...).

It seems that the draw distance depends on the position of the avatar, rather than the camera, so such a command would be perfectly adapted.

What do you think ?

Comments (7)

  1. Satomi Ahn

    I vote for this.

    Now, draw distance can have unexpected results (some prims are still rendered outside the draw distance, depending on the camera position, instead of avatar position... ).

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I really like the idea.

    There should be a restriction to prevent the drawing distance from being set to a value larger than the one configured in the preferences. The drawing distance seems to have a lot of impact on the performance of small computers: On my notebook I can play more or less fine at 128 meters. But if I set it 4000m, the viewer starts to hang for more than a minute before working for a couple of seconds and then starting to hang again.


  3. Kittin Ninetails

    I use draw distance to manage local system performance and bandwidth, usually running with about 32. Restricting to tighter draw distance would be perfectly acceptable, resuming the user-specified limit upon release of the restriction. But I would not be at all happy if my clipping plane could be expanded out to 1000.

  4. Marine Kelley reporter

    To me the viewer should take into account the minimum value between the set draw distance and the RLV draw distance, to decide of the the distance to the clipping plane. That way you can never be forced to display prims up to 1000 m away, making your viewer crash.

  5. Marine Kelley reporter

    SL-15039 Prune unused preferences #3

    DebugInventoryFilters DebugShowXUINames DebugSlshareLogTag DebugStat**** DefaultBlankNormalTexture DefaultObjectNormalTexture DefaultObjectSpecularTexture DefaultUploadCost DisplayAvatarAgentTarget DisplayChat DisplayDebug DisplayDebugConsole DisplayIM DisplayLinden DisplayRegion DragAndDropToolTipDelay DragAndDropDistanceThreshold DropShadowButton DropShadowFloater DropShadowSlider DropShadowTooltip UIImgWhiteUUID UseEnvironmentFromRegion UseDayCycle WaterPresetName SkyPresetName DayCycleName DestinationGuideHintTimeout SidePanelHintTimeout DisablePrecacheDelayAfterTeleporting

    → <<cset 145a5ffe7f57>>

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