The location input bar does not show parcel property icons

Issue #34 new
Lance Corrimal created an issue

No matter what I do, the navbar location input does not show parcel property icons.

Comments (6)

  1. Lance Corrimal reporter

    seems to be related to RLV.

    When starting the viewer with --set RestrainedLove 0, the icons are there but in the status bar, together with the additional sliders for draw distance and offset (which in fact gives me *two* sets of sliders).

    Here's how the panel and navbar behave with rlv on:

    you can pick either combination of them, but the sliders and icons in the status bar behave erratically

    and here's how they behave with RLV off:

    you can choose *either* the nav bar *or* the mini location bar, and the status bar *always* has the icons and sliders.

  2. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Does it still do the same when RLV is *on* ? I have not checked when RLV is off (my mistake), but I'm pretty sure it is fixed when RLV is on.

  3. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Little update on this, I have looked into the parcel icons in the navigation bar specifically, and I think it is not related to my code. Something broke during an update to the SL viewer, and I'm getting the consequences again. I checked the icons were still there (they are different from the status bar ones, because the former have a light background, and the latter have a dark background), that the placeholders were still there too, ran the viewer in debug mode, everything in the code indicates that they are actually refreshed correctly. Except they don't show.

    I'll keep investigating, this is a weird bug.

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