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Some notes on Marlowe installation for Windows

Author: Takaaki AOKI <>
Version: 0.5.7
Date: 2020-11-04

Fortran compiler

It is recommended to setup GNU fortran (gfortran) bundled with MinGW

MinGW site:

There is a useful instruction video on Youtube:

In default, MinGW instaled up at C:\MinGW directory, it is recommended to include C:\MinGW\bin and C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin in PATH environment

To test installation of fortran compiler (program name is gfortran, not g77),

> gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (x86_64-posix-sjlj-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 4.8.3
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

GNU Fortran comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute copies of GNU Fortran
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING

Marlowe setup

In following, it is assumed that MARLOWE package is extracted at C:\marlowe.

Environment Variables

Marlowe can be installed according to the instruction shown in Marlowe user's guide chapter 12. In the document, a batch file c:\marlowe\winstart.bat should be called before running marlowe. However, it is recommended to set environment variable at system or user level, like


Config.bat (which is placed at c:\marlowe\opsys\windows) should be modified to run Winstall.bat and Marlowe.bat correctly. In following, environment variables MRL, MRLX, FORT and LINK are modified.

@echo off
rem                              config.bat
rem  Defines six environmental variables used by other `batch' files.
rem  Make changes in these variables here: the other files need not be
rem  edited.  Last modified 2 July 2002.

rem  The `root' of the MARLOWE file structure:
rem set MRL=C:\progra~1\marlowe
set MRL=C:\marlowe

rem  The MARLOWE Source files and the Windows `batch' files:
set MRLW=%MRL%\opsys\windows
set MRLS=%MRL%\source

rem  The MARLOWE executables:
set MRLX=C:\marlowe\bin

rem  The Fortran compiler and the link editor:
rem set FORT=g77 -v -O
rem set LINK=g77
set FORT=gfortran -O
set LINK=gfortran

rem  If requested, transfer control to MRLX:
if (%1)==(go) cd %MRLX%

build binary

open command prompt,

C:\>cd c:\marlowe\opsys\windows

C:\marlowe\opsys\windows>winstall C D

    Executing build pp p1 p2 p3 cx sx tk

ar: creating C:\marlowe\bin\object\libtk.a
a - datum.o


a - rdenv.o
a - tempo.o
        1 file(s) moved.

    WinStall.bat terminating.



Winstall command does not build final executable file for entire MARLOWE calculation, but prepares libraries requited to build executable file. The final build of executable is invoked by calling marlowe.bat shown in the following section.


To run marlowe,

  1. Set up input data file or copy from samples

    C:\Users\me> mkdir marlowe_data
    C:\Users\me> cd marlowe_data
    C:\Users\me\marlowe_data> copy c:\marlowe\test\test90\test_a1.dat .
  2. Run marlowe.bat

    C:\Users\me\marlowe_data> marlowe test_a1

    If type marlowe at commandline, a batch file c:\marlowe\opsys\windows\marlowe.bat is executed. Argument for marlowe.bat does not requires .dat suffix. The output file is attached with .lst suffix (ex. test_a1.lst)

  3. Open output file (test_a1.lst in this case) with texteditor such as notepad.exe and review it.

Useful tools and Tips

Explorer <=> command prompt

In order to start command prompt and move to the folder where the explore is showing, try shift+right click and select Open command window here.

see also

Oppositely, to start explore to show where command prompt is currently working, type

> start .


> explorer.exe .

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