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Card Editor / BasicTut / DeckPrintSets / CreateDeck

Creating A Deck

Once we have created our Data Sets, filled them with Card Data, and selected our front and back Layouts, we can place them into decks and create print sheets. In this tutorial, we will learn how to:

  1. Create Deck Print Sets
  2. Add Data Sets to the Deck Print Set and set card counts
  3. Set the print layout and print the deck

For complete information on Deck Print Sets, see the Deck Print Set documentation

Creating the Hero Deck

To create a Deck Print Set, first click the Add Document button, found in the top left corner of the window, and select Deck Print Set from the menu.

Creating a new Deck Print Set

First we will create a Deck Print Set for our Hero cards, so let's name this Deck Print Set "Hero Deck" and create the file. We now see the Deck Print Set View.

Deck Print Set view

There are two parts to the Deck Pritn Set view. The first is the Card Count table on the left, which displays the cards available in the deck and in what quantities. On the right is the print layout.

Adding Data Sets and Setting Card Counts

Adding a Data Set

In order to create a Deck, we have to add cards to it, and since cards exist in Data Sets, we must add them to the Deck Print Set. To do this, click the first button to add a Data Set, which will ask you for a Data Set to add.

Selected a Data Set

We select the Heroes set and click OK, which adds the Hero cards to our Deck.

Populated Deck Print Set

Notice that we now see some rectangles in the print layout area, which we will cover later.

Setting Card Counts

For each card, we can set how many times that card appears in the deck. Let's say our deck is small, and only has 3 of each card. You can do this by either typing the number in the text field or by clicking the up and down arrows next to it.

Setting card counts

Printing the Deck

Setting Print Layout

Now we can set up how cards should be laid out on the page. Remember those rectangles from before? Those are where the cards will appear on the page. Take note how they change as we alter the print layout parameters.

First we have the size of the paper. We will print on standard 8.5"x11", which is the default, so we don't need to change anything there. However, we would like a little bit of space in between cards, so let's set each spacing to .25".

Setting card spacing

As you can see, we can only fit 4 cards to a page currently. We would like to waste less paper, so let's set the margins to .5" each and check the Landscape box, which will force the cards to be laid out horizontally.

Fitting more cards on the page

Printing cards

Now that we have the cards all laid out, it's time to print! Simply click the print button in the top left corner and wait while it generates the print document.

Print button

Once it finishes, it will ask us which printer we want to use. Card Editor will then print your cards!
