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Card Editor / Documents / Settings / Settings


You can adjust some common user settings through the Settings Window, which can be accessed through the Settings Item in the Help Menu.

Settings menu item

When clicked, it will open the Settings Window.

Settings Window

All Settings in the Settings Window are application-wide and are stored per user.

CMYK Converter

The CMYK Converter is the full path to an International Color Consortium (.ICC) or Image Color Matching (.ICM) profile. You can either type the path directly into the text box or click the "..." button to brose for the file. When set to a valid filepath, Card Editor will update all card previews to use the profile to provide more accurate CMYK representation.


Digital images are often defined in an RGB color space, meaning that each pixel consists of 3 values: a (R)ed channel, a (G)reen channel, and a (B)lue channel. It is an additive color model, where a value of 0 on all 3 channels is the color black, and increasing the values on each channel moves the color closer to white. This is useful for displaying images on a screen, where we start with a black pixel and we add colored light of increasing intensity to produce a white pixel.

When printing, however, images are more commonly defined in CMYK color space, where each dot of color consists of 4 values: a (C)yan channel, a (M)agenta channel, a (Y)ellow channel, and a blac(K) channel. It is a subtractive color model, where a value of 0 on all channels is actually the color white, and increasing the values on each channel moves it closer to black. This is useful in printing because we often start with a white sheet of paper and add colored ink in increasing amounts to create a black dot.

Because digital displays create color through light rather than ink, it is able to display much more vibrant colors than can be reproduced by printing. To help resolve this, we can provide Card Editor with a way to convert colors in a digital image and make them closer to how the printed image should appear. This is done through either .ICM (Image Color Management) or .ICC (International Color Consortium) files. Unfortunately, there is no single correct answer to which profile to use, though a card printing service may provide a preferred profile.

Snap Sensitivity

This slider alters the distance at which Elements will snap to nearby snap points when clicked and dragged in the Layout Editor. This applies to positioning and resizing only, rotation snapping is unaffected.
