Restrict associations for implementation classes

Issue #117 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

When having associations with implementation classes the following should not be possible:

  • self references
  • containment on the implementation class side
  • navigability only from implementation to the class

Comments (8)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolved issue #117:

    • Preventing navigable assocations from Implementation to Class
    • The selector to change the association end is not shown on the implementation class side.

    Unfortunately, this means that deleting on that side is not possible anymore, but it seems quite hard to only show part (one literal) of an enum.

    → <<cset 784ce42796a7>>

  2. Laura Martellotto

    I checked, it's good :)

    To delete the association on the ImplementationClass side, a solution could be to add a new enum with just DELETE and to use this enum just for the case where the association end is on a ImplementationClass. I think it's not fundamental for the user but if you want, you can do easily :)

  3. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Thanks for checking. That's true. Do you think that would be more user-friendly?

  4. Laura Martellotto

    Yes, I think it's more user-friendly :) The user expects to see what it's possible to do in displaying this menu and maybe can't understand immediately why it's not possible to delete this kind of association.

  5. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Thanks! It's merged now. It was actually quite easy to reuse the enum and just use one of the values :)

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