Erase all text

Issue #127 resolved
Jörg Kienzle created an issue

It would be great to have a way to erase all text in a text field. For instance, it takes a lot of time to erase the default aspect model name "Untitled" when one wants to give the aspect a name.

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Di Meco

    I have resolved this issue by clearing text listeners when the backspace key is held for 1 second.

    Fell free to test the Issues/127 branch and tell me if it is good or if you have another better idea.

  2. Matthias Schoettle

    Sorry for the delay. Very cool! I am wondering if the same would make sense for the physical keyboard?

    The only other idea I would have is to show a little "x" button like on mobile devices that allows to clear the text completely.

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