Update message's ParameterValueMappings when operation's parameters updated

Issue #156 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Currently, when a message is called (for an operation with parameters), parameter value mappings are created for each parameter. However, if a parameter is deleted, or one added, no update occurs.

It should either be possible for the user to

  • add/remove parameter value mappings
  • update them automatically (which might cause other violations)

Comments (7)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Adding/removing ParameterValueMappings should be possible to be done automatically. However, this only works for the current aspect, extended aspects won't be updated. There needs to be some verification phase at the beginning (when opening an aspect) or when a change occurs (then all extending aspects would have to be checked).

  2. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolves #156: Adds the update of the arguments list of affected messages whenever a parameter is added or removed from an operation.

    Affected messages are those that have the operation as signature. When a parameter is added a corresponding ParameterValueMapping is added to each message, and respectively removed from the message when removing a parameter.

    → <<cset c6ba1f5233e0>>

  3. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #156: Fixes adding the separator. It was not created when a parameter got added at index 0. The separator is now added if the index is 0 (in front of other parameters) but not if there are no children in the view. This is to avoid adding an additional separator when initializing a message view.

    → <<cset 9e324bdc08f8>>

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