Rename TouchRAM to TouchCORE

Issue #179 resolved
Jörg Kienzle created an issue

Since we are now going fully concern-oriented, we should rename TouchRAM to TouchCORE.

Comments (4)

  1. Matthias Schoettle

    As per discussion in the meeting today, adding concern-support to TouchRAM is a major step and we want to distinguish this by changing the name. We will just rename the "outside", i.e., the class TouchRAM will be renamed to TouchCORE and all names that appear in the UI will be renamed to TouchCORE as well.

    Locations I can think of are (all in the GUI project):

    • build/TouchRAM.bat
    • build/README.txt
    • build.xml
    • Settings.txt
    • RamApp exit confirm popup
    • TouchRAM setting frame title for Mac OS
    • potentially also comments in the code should be renamed for consistency reasons
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