Some constraints not properly evaluated using Eclipse Luna

Issue #189 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

After moving to Eclipse Luna, some OCL constraints are not evaluated anymore. Previously, the mandatoryAspectParametersMapped always failed when operations were in the set. This doesn't happen anymore. It turns out that it always evaluates to true.

A more detailed description can be found here:

Comments (1)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolved issue #189: The RamPackage instance cannot be found when using an import with a platform URI. This leads to a dynamic EPackage being created, which causes that derived attributes/references are not found (by reference) in EClassImpl.getFeatureID(...). To resolve this, a mapping from the complete URI of each ecore model to the package instance is added.

    This makes the previous fix for issue #180 unnecessary.

    → <<cset c34f004a8a48>>

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