Deleting messages from a Message View broken in some cases

Issue #194 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

In some cases, when a message is deleted from a message view, not enough or too many subsequent messages are removed.

At least in the following two scenarios this occurs:

  • a message with no reply, where a message follows (as a definition of behaviour of the first message), when deleting the first one, the second message (nested behaviour) is not removed
  • same scenario as above, but a third message is existing originating from and to the same lifelines as the first message. When deleting message #2, the third one is deleted as well.

It should also be checked that other fragments (combined fragments and execution statements) in nested behaviour are removed as well.

Comments (18)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References issue #194: Fixed the retrieval of toIndex when deleting messages. In case the message end is not the receive event or it is not a message occurrence, the index also needs to be set to index - 1, because this means that the current fragment is not part of the message to be deleted.

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  2. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References issue #194: Fixed out of bounds problem.

    When undoing the removal of messages, the messages are added again in a different order than they are deleted. For that reason the view index needs to be decreased to the maximum possible value.

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  3. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References issue #194: Made ValueSpecificationHandler generic (it only supports to change the value of a specific value specification) in order to be able to sub-class it (the full functionally is now in ReferenceAndValueHandler) so that it can be used for execution statement specifications, interaction constraints and the value specifications of return messages or parameter values in messages.

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  4. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References issue #194: Fixed problem when adjusting the view index. The view index should only be decreased by 2 if it hasn't been adjusted already, because the view index is greater than the existing children.

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  5. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References issue #194: Fixed problems when deleting messages.

    • changed check when determining how many fragments need to be deleted, because CombinedFragments can have multiple covered lifelines, so that containsAll on covered of a messag end will always be false
    • changed DeleteCommand to RemoveCommand for the fragments so that the result of the compound command will contain the fragments in it (the DeleteCommand is only properly initialized before execution)

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  6. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #194: Fixes index out of bounds problem when adding a fragment to a lifeline that starts with a create message, but the message is added inside a combined fragment. In that case, the view index does not need to be adjusted, since its event container is not affected by this special case.

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  7. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #194: Updates the HandlerFactory to make the InteractionConstraint and ExecutionStatement handlers stateful (since they are). Otherwise, when openeing two or more keyboards, invalid behaviour is observed (all text views with an opened keyboard will get their data overwritten with the first one).

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  8. Matthias Schoettle reporter
    • changed status to open

    The problem still exists based on the below screenshot, if you remove the create message, the second call to bla() is removed as well.


    In MessageViewController.createRemoveMessagesCommand when determining the toIndex, it still does not consider if on the calling lifeline, there is no reply message coming back, so either too many (if there additional unrelated fragments) or not enough (if there are no fragments on the same lifeline) fragments are removed.

    The proposed change in #399 would make this a lot easier.

  9. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #438 and #194: Adds more test cases for nested behaviour.

    Also, for #194, a specific test case is added (testRemoveMessages_NestedNestedBehaviour), which fails right now.

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  10. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #438 and #194: Adds another test case for nested nested behaviour.

    This test cases checks the second case of getting the toIndex, where no other fragment is on the outgoing lifeline, which causes only the one message being removed.

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  11. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #304, #438, #194: Improves removal of fragments and messages.

    All removal is now performed by the FragmentsController, i.e., the MessageViewController delegates this task to it now.

    Removal is improved significantly in that: - all to be deleted fragments are determined - all affected messages are deleted - unused properties are removed - unused combined fragments are removed from lifelines (when no other fragment within a combined fragment covers a lifeline) - unused lifelines are removed

    The end of the message behaviour (for nested behaviour) is properly detected. Nested behaviour needs to be terminated with a reply message. However, it still works in the case that another fragment is placed on the same originating lifeline.

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  12. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #304, #438, #194: Fixes test cases and models to address changes introduced.

    Create message with nested behaviour now have a reply message. When removing a combined fragment or operand, the fragments are not specifically removed, but are removed by removing the container (operand).

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  13. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #304, #438, #194: Fixes order of fragment removal commands to prevent problem when undoing.

    The call to isSelfMessage caused an OCL exception because the coveredBy of the send event was not set yet. Therefore the coveredBy is removed separately after all fragments are removed, so that this is already set when undoing it.

    Small refactoring in MessageViewController to pass the message instead of the end, to ensure that the send event is passed to removeInteractionFragment.

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