Can't access operations of extended classes in state view

Issue #202 resolved
Jörg Kienzle created an issue

When defining the state view for class A in ram model ARAM which extends model BRAM, it is impossible to access the operations that are defined for class A in BRAM.

Comments (9)

  1. Matthias Schoettle
    • changed status to open

    The SignatureSelectorView needs to be removed and the SelectorView used instead. Then, in the TransitionItemProvider the property descriptor for signature needs to be modified (i.e., overwrite getChoiceOfValues).

    We should check if the result is the same for the signature of a message and a signature of a transition and consolidate it.

  2. Matthias Schoettle

    Is it just the extended ones or also the ones where a mapping exists (i.e., |A --> B would also make the operations of |A available in state views for B?). Same for operations of super classes?

  3. Matthias Schoettle

    I think it is the same.

    For messages there is a filtering in addition that will filter out constructors and static operations if the message is not received by a static instance (and vice versa). Probably this will be different in state views.

  4. Matthias Schoettle

    Currently also choosing the operation is not executed using commands, so it cannot be undone.

  5. Matthias Schoettle

    References issue #202: Removed unused class and made sure that the TransitionView is unregistered from the signature of the transition when destroyed.

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  6. Matthias Schoettle

    Resolved issue #202: Defined getChoiceOfValues and the label provider for the signature property to support proper retrieval of only callable operations and the textual representation of operations (complete signature).

    Moved the function of filtering the list of operations into RAMEditUtil in order to be able to use it from Message and TransitionItemProvider.

    → <<cset 756f4d52c28a>>

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