Message View: message is drawn as an L shape.

Issue #230 resolved
Omar Alam created an issue

When creating a message to a new lifeline before an exiting message, it appears as an L shape. This prevents from creating new messages after this new lifeline (see attachment).

Comments (6)

  1. Matthias Schoettle
    • changed status to open

    It occurs when the lifeline's "header" is bigger than normal. The spacer of the sending lifeline does not take this into consideration right now. Maybe instead, the lifeline should be moved up so that the bottom edge's are on the same height.

  2. Matthias Schoettle

    Resolves #230: Fixes the position of lifelines that are represented by a static feature and have therefore a higher name container. The lifelines are moved up so that they are flush with other lifelines on the bottom of their name container.

    → <<cset 8cb3ea6ea99e>>

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