IndexOutOfBoundsException when validator rule fails to be executed

Issue #264 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

The scenario described in issue #263 will lead the returnTypeDefined rule to fail execution. Then, when updating the validations, the ValidationManager tries to access the first item in the list of errors for the object in line 402, which leads to the exception.

Comments (1)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolves #264: Changes the notification of validation events by looping through the list of errors for an object, so that an empty list does not cause problems. As per the my understanding, the event will lead to the listening view to reset the fill color, so that potentially this is done many times.

    Alternatively, when the exception is caughted in the Validator class line 158, the object (and its empty list) could be removed from the map, but in case there are already other errors in the list, this would remove them.

    → <<cset 0b405e923a72>>

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