Operations from extended or reused concerns not selectable

Issue #285 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

When dealing with external aspects (either by extending one of the same concern or when reusing another concern) certain operations cannot be called: Constructors or static operations.

However, there are the following differences:

  • for extended aspects, operations with visibility public or package can be called
  • whereas, for reused concerns, only public operations can be called

Comments (5)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #285: Fixes the equals check for implementation classes to determine equivalent classes in an extended aspect: Implementation classes are only equal if besides their name, also the type parameters match.

    → <<cset a6d7e4f63c18>>

  2. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #285: Adds that all metaclasses from extended aspects are collected as well. Furthermore, classes from reused (concerns) aspects are collected, if they have public operations (static or constructor).

    → <<cset c3c96a5dee19>>

  3. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #285: Fixes the equal check for implementation classes to make sure that all type parameters are tested. Also, fixes a nullpointer exception when the generic type's are null.

    → <<cset 00836c88a781>>

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