Enhance the impact model and connect reuses of a feature in an Impact Model

Issue #290 resolved
Romain Alexandre created an issue

Enhance the impact model :

  • Clean up the code
  • Use controllers and EMF notification
  • Add Undo/Redo command

Connect reuses of a feature in an Impact Model :

When a feature has one or many reuses, they must appear in the ImpactModel. When an user add a reuse(already defined in the Aspect) to his ImpactModel, we have two cases.

First, the corresponding feature is not in the impact model, so we will add that feature, the reuse and an intermediate node between them and the goal node.

Second, the feature is already in the ImpactModel. We need to add the intermediate node and the reuse. After, we will connect the feature to the intermediate node and the intermediate node to the goal node. The association between the feature and the goal node is now between the intermediate node and the goal node.

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