Association between features and realizing aspects not handled properly

Issue #298 resolved
Cécile Camillieri created an issue
  • When associating an existing model (that is not part of the models reference, i.e., it does not show up in the aspect list), it is not added to that reference (or the list is not updated right away)
  • Deletion of a model from the aspect container should be done using controllers/handlers.
  • When deleting the currently selected aspect, menu buttons do not show up again though nothing is selected anymore in the aspects container.
  • When deleting a model from the aspect container, the file is deleted, then removed from realizing the features, but when the concern is saved, an exception is thrown. It seems that the model wasn't removed from the models reference, but it doesn't always occur. It once also happened when a new aspect is created for a feature, saved (the existing one overwritten) and then the concern saved.
    at ca.mcgill.sel.core.ui.scenes.DisplayConcernScene.actionPerformed(
  • Related to the issue above, when deleting an aspect, all references are not removed (ie references for extensions of this aspect are not removed). This results in NullPointerExceptions when loading or weaving the aspect that extends the deleted aspect. We should either remove the references or prevent deletion if an aspect extends the one we wish to delete.

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