Close multiple message option menus in MessageView view crash the app

Issue #306 resolved
Former user created an issue
  1. Go to the MessageView view
  2. Create at least 2 message between 2 Lifelines in order to get the option menu.
  3. You can close the last opened option menu but the others can't be closed and the app crashes if you try.

You get this exception :

Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at ca.mcgill.sel.ram.ui.views.message.MessageViewView.removeMessageView(
    at ca.mcgill.sel.ram.ui.views.message.MessageViewView.notifyChanged(
    at org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.ChangeNotifier.fireNotifyChanged(
    at org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.ItemProviderAdapter.fireNotifyChanged(
    at ca.mcgill.sel.ram.provider.InteractionItemProvider.notifyChanged(
    at org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.BasicNotifierImpl.eNotify(
    at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreEList.dispatchNotification(
    at org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.NotifyingListImpl.remove(
    at org.eclipse.emf.common.util.AbstractEList.remove(
    at ca.mcgill.sel.ram.ui.views.message.handler.impl.MessageViewHandler.revertTemporaryObjects(

Screenshot : Capture d’écran 2015-05-28 à 12.02.54.png

Talking with Matthias, the problem should happen because of the view notification is disabled when adding a temporary object (option menu) in MessageViewHandler.

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