Add support for abstract classes and operations

Issue #310 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Currently, it is not possible in the UI to change the abstract attribute of Class or Operation. I.e., abstract is already in the metamodel, but never used.

I suggest the following ways to edit this in the UI:

  • Class: Tap-and-hold presents a menu to toggle partial and abstract. An abstract class is identified by its name written in italic font.
  • Operation: The tap-and-hold menu contains an abstract option that allows to toggle the abstract property. An abstract operation is identified by its name written in italic font.
  • If an operation is changed to abstract, the class needs to be made abstract as well (if it is not yet). I.e., in one compound command for proper undo/redo.

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    References #310: enable/disable abstract type of class (controller+view) and 'class abstract if one operation (at least) is abstract' constraint added

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