Add support to create aspect message views

Issue #312 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Currently, it is not possible to create aspect message views (amv). Basic support to do so should be added in the form of: Tap-and-hold on an operation name provides the ability to advice that operation.

This creates an "empty" aspect message view, i.e., the initial call with the original behaviour execution box inside. In addition, the message view of the operation is marked as affected by this amv. If no message view exists, one is created. In case of a partial operation, the message view is empty (no specification).

It needs to be determined, how existing amvs can be edited since I imagine, that performing the same gesture again, allows to create additional amvs. We might be able to facilitate the existing message view container view for this.

Comments (7)

  1. Jörg Kienzle

    I am not sure if it makes sense to add more than one amvs in the same RAM model. The behavioural extensions defined in one RAM model should all logically belong to the same feature, i.e., they are either all applied (if the feature is selected), or not at all. So if this is the case, then I believe one should always create only one amvs that has "all" behavioural extensions related to one feature for a method m, and not more than one. What do you think?

  2. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    I agree. However, it could be possible to have two different amvs that apply to the same method (but not only).

  3. Jörg Kienzle

    Yes, that could be possible. Also, one might want to, for instance, in a RAM model state that an am from some other RAM model affects some method from some other RAM model. Finally, one might also want to order the affected by's... So we have to think about how we can do all of that in the most intuitive way in TouchCORE.

  4. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #312: Adds the ability to advice an existing operation.

    An aspect message view is created and displayed and the operation's message view is affected by that amv. If no message view exists yet, one is created.

    Current limitations are that the name of the amv cannot be changed and an existing amv cannot be edited (i.e., only new ones can be created).

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  5. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #312: Adds basic aspect message view editing capabilities.

    The message view container now properly updates when new message views are added/removed. In addition, the list of "affected by" of message views is properly populated and updated. And, the name of aspect message views can now be modified in the message view container. However, this means that panning does not work anymore when performed on the message view. It needs to be performed on the background.

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  6. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #312: Changes the behaviour when selecting the "Advice" option. Instead of creating a new aspect message view all the time, displays the existing one, if there is one.

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