The contribution is sometimes overlapping with the line/arrow

Issue #325 resolved
Romain Alexandre created an issue

When we drag an impact model element, the weight of a contribution can overlap the line. We should prevent that to happen.

Comments (7)

  1. Cécile Camillieri

    I would also be nice that the line's attach point is better correlated with the location of the reuses to one another. Sans titre.png For example in this case the contribution to UnamedGoal2 should arrive on the goal's left side instead of its bottom. And the link from UnamedGoal4 should be start on the top of the container. Generally if a link starts on a side, it should arrive on the opposite side of the linked element. (top -> bottom, left -> right and never top -> left for example)

    The best solution to do this would probably be to look at the angle of the line between the center of the two elements.

  2. Romain Alexandre reporter

    References #325: Send to front children and contribution when dragging an element in the impact model + correct weight position wwhen we pan the background

    → <<cset 81e2787ffde8>>

  3. Romain Alexandre reporter

    References #325: set the visibility of the whole RelationshipView in the operation shouldUpdate() to true or false if the position is offscreen.

    → <<cset 1fa9c3f3b5b3>>

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