Association ends of mapped classes not selectable as properties

Issue #341 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Given the following example, the association end(s) located in the "mapped from" class (from an external model) is/are not selectable:

  1. Reused concern model with class |A and association to B called myB
  2. Current model that maps |A to MyApplication
  3. in an operation of MyApplication a new B can be created
  4. trying to assign the newly created instance to myB does not work, the shown properties list is empty

Comments (5)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    The same applies when selecting the actual parameter (what to pass in a message call).

  2. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolves #341: Fixes the collection of structural features that can be selected in several places (Message.assignTo, StructuralFeatureValue.value, AssignmentStatement.assignTo). Now all classifiers that mean the same are considered to collect the structural features. I.e., through inheritance, mappings, extended classes etc.

    → <<cset ff01259f7943>>

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