Reuse Rename Enhancements

Issue #348 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

As discussed in our meeting, the following items should be performed to provide reuse renaming within TouchCORE:

  • a reuse should get a better default name (<concernName><uniqueNumber>) with a running number that is unique. To accomplish that, please use the utility method provided by CORE: COREModelUtil.createUniqueName(...)
  • allow to rename reuses (double-tap)
  • remove the view for the instantiation type (+ or ~) in the aspects' instantiations
  • in the aspect, instead of showing the woven aspect's name, show the reuse name
  • allow to rename reuses from within the aspect view (double-tap)
  • then, tap-and-hold will show an option with Open Woven Aspect (or something like that) and Weave Reuse

Comments (2)

  1. Cécile Camillieri

    Resolves #348: reuse name is displayed in the instantiation container instead of the woven aspect name. Double tap allows to rename the reuse. Tap and Hold opens a selector with the choice to either open the aspect, or the weave it.

    → <<cset 61d17df8929c>>

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