Change start position of Aspect container

Issue #349 resolved
Romain Alexandre created an issue

If we launch TouchCore in full-screen on a Mac, the aspect container will be a little hidden at the top. The idea is to change the start position of this container.

Comments (8)

  1. Cécile Camillieri

    I'm not sure this is necessary, because if FullscreenExclusive is set to true in settings.txt there is no bar at the top.

  2. Matthias Schoettle

    I don't think FullscreenExclusive should be used. If you use it, you will not be able to switch to another application until you quit the application.

  3. Jörg Kienzle

    I agree. Also, when using FullscreenExclusive, then the computer tries to switch to the resolution specified in the Settings file, which might be strange…

    • J
  4. Jerry Wei

    References #349:

    • Reset starting position to 0 for Aspect Container
    • Constant dependant on OS now
    • Drag handler for the Aspect container has been prevented from dragging the panel above the limit
    • Set RAM menu so it is lower on the screen

    → <<cset 033c0d12c052>>

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