Migration to Mars

Issue #378 open
Cécile Camillieri created an issue

Curiosity is having a hard journey to Mars, so the aim of this issue is to have an updated list of issues we encounter during the time we try to make TouchCORE run on latest Eclipse release.

First step is to remove limitation to Java 6 (Mars requires at least Java 7, therefore MT4j needs to be updated first, see #14).

Problems left to fix for this step:

  • Transitions are not working properly
  • Closing with Frame button throws "No GL on this thread" exception. Easy solution is to invokeLater the creation of the exit confirmation popup, because invoke later execute the code on ui thread. Unfortunately it looks like the window is closed no matter what we do. If we put the code in invokeLater, it will never be called and the window is closed, but the app is not terminated, so I don't really know what happens. There must be a default operation set somewhere in the code.
  • Lib for Touch on Windows7 has been removed and should be put back (or the code related to it should be removed).

Already fixed (not everything has been pushed yet):

  • Right click did not work anymore
  • Wheel Event did not work anymore
  • Improve loading time at startup
  • "No GL on this thread" exception during weaver. Fixed by using invokeLaters for ui calls in weaverRunner.


  • New renderer might prevent some user with older computers or graphical drivers from running the app. Don't really know if it would affect a lot of people or not. I don't think we can draw much conclusion from this, but it affects me on an early 2011 laptop,which is not that old. And it can't be fixed because Dell has not released new drivers since end of 2011.

For the record, when this happens a message is displayed in the console, and the app loads with only the background (no menu).

Framebuffer error (unknown error), rendering will probably not work as expected Read http://wiki.processing.org/w/OpenGL_Issues for help.
OpenGL error 1286 at bot beginDraw(): invalid framebuffer operation

Comments (21)

  1. Cécile Camillieri reporter

    Also, renderer 2 does not work, so we might want to remove the possibility to use it overall. We probably want to remove this setting from Settings.txt.

  2. Matthias Schoettle

    Did you try graphics drivers from NVIDIA directly? I know it's not recommended but can be worth a try.

  3. Matthias Schoettle

    I pushed, but referenced issue #14 instead for the problems related to the library update. The things under "Problems left to fix for this step" should be working now, can you test with Windows 7?

    For the fixes you haven't pushed yet, please use #14.

    For this issue:

  4. Cécile Camillieri reporter

    Did you try graphics drivers from NVIDIA directly? I know it's not recommended but can be worth a try.

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. It runs fine on my nvidia card (I always use nvidia drivers for it and I never had any issue with it).

    It doesn't run on my integrated Intel chipset (HD3000) though, and for this one I'm 90% positive that installing Intel drivers directly would mess everything up, so I don't even want to try.

  5. Matthias Schoettle

    The only thing missing now should be the use of appbundler for the Mac .app bundle. @CelineBen would you be able to look into that this week?

  6. Matthias Schoettle

    References #378: Updates the bundling of OSX apps.

    The appbundler maintained by infinitykind is used.

    In addition, old svn files are removed and a message is shown at the end to create a tag for the release.

    → <<cset 381b0d9ac4dc>>

  7. Matthias Schoettle

    Merged in master (commit fd4fb95).

    Only two problems remain:

    • OCL bug
    • Running the OSX app, the models directory points to Contents/Java, but the models folder is located in Contents/Resources
  8. Matthias Schoettle

    Running the OSX app, the models directory points to Contents/Java, but the models folder is located in Contents/Resources

    This was addressed in commit 8a3ea3c and 430fedae.

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