Variables with same name in message views

Issue #407 resolved
Céline Bensoussan created an issue

In message views, when calling an operation and clicking on the + to create a new variable to store the return value, it gives it the name of the operation. When calling the same operation and again clicking on the + to create a new variable, it will give it the same name even though is it a different variable.

This leads to issues when wanting to reuse this variable later in the message views, as both will show with the same name when listing the variables. Also, the code generator ends up declaring 2 variables with the same name which leads to compilation errors.

Comments (9)

  1. Matthias Schoettle

    Indeed. I think it should use the utility method for unique names in order to prevent that in the first place.

  2. Matthias Schoettle

    References #269: Moves making name unique to createTemporaryProperty to ensure consistency.

    Moves it out of MessageController. Renames public method to createAndAddTemporaryProperty.

    refs #407 refs #402

    → <<cset 13d3eb775a19>>

  3. Matthias Schoettle

    References #269: Moves making name unique to createTemporaryProperty to ensure consistency.

    Moves it out of MessageController. Renames public method to createAndAddTemporaryProperty.

    refs #407 refs #402

    → <<cset 13d3eb775a19>>

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