Add primitive type for byte to metamodel

Issue #443 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Our primitive types in RAM lack byte, which becomes a problem when loading implementation classes with byte or byte[] as return or parameter types.

Comments (9)

  1. alec

    @mschoettle I am replicating some of the classes for byte but i was wondering if there was a previous pr with a similar purpose so that i can make sure (or at least try 😉) i dont miss anything

  2. alec

    @mschoettle right so i think replicating for me meant generating these corresponding classes, sorry about the confusion. I made a corresponding class for extending PrimitiveType and LiteralSpecification for byte, but are there other steps that i should look out for?

  3. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    If by generating you mean generated by EMF (not by you) then yes. To me it looks like you did it manually (there is no modification to the metamodel in your commits). Basically you need to modify the RAM metamodel (RAM.ecore file, you can do this through the diagram views RAM_Types and RAM_MessageView). And then you generate code from that through the genmodel.

    If you are doing this for the first time, please do the EMF tutorial I linked above first to get an understanding of everything.

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