Add creation of getter/setter functionality for associations

Issue #45 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

TouchRAM is able to create getters and setters for attributes. This functionality could also be added to association ends.

For example, the user tap-and-holds on the role name of an end and gets presented the choice to create a getter and/or setter for this end. Since both Attribute and AssociationEnd are a StructuralFeature this should be easy to implement by adjusting the current functionality. StructuralFeature.getType() returns the type. The only twist could be the multiplicity, where it depends for association ends.

Comments (11)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    @jmiller57 could you potentially look into this after completing your current task?

  2. Thomas Di Meco

    I merged this issue into the #151 branch to use it. Make sure to merge new modifications before working on this issue.

  3. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    I think to resolve this issue here the following change is necessary: Instead of ArrayType for multiplicity > 1 it should probably use a sequence or set from our metamodel ... or ask the user what to use maybe? Because the user could also want to use an implementation class.

  4. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolved for now. The remaining issue is a core issue: What type to use for multiplicity of many? This might depend on what the intention with it is and/or on the specific multiplicity.

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