Visibility of classes wrong after weaving

Issue #451 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Weaving occurs in several different scenarios, but public classes always are reduced to concern public. This happens in build application mode and when reusing a concern.

Generally, the visibility should only reduced when weaving a model reuses into another model, but not in build application mode and when reusing one concern.

Also, the code generator does not consider the visibility of classes.

Comments (3)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #451: Adds getVisibilityName for classifier and uses it for each classifier that is generated.

    Since currently only public and concern is supported, the visibility name is either public or nothing (i.e., package).

    → <<cset cfe12f82d80a>>

  2. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolves #451: Changes the visibility of classes only for reuses.

    Removes the classifier visibility changing part from the COREWeaver (which is not supposed to know concrete CORE models). Adds reducing the visibility in the PreProcessor, when creating skeletons for unmapped classes in order to not change visibility of mapped classes. This is only done for reuses and not extensions.

    → <<cset 9a60fa6ce14a>>

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