Message Views Weaver only creates one copy

Issue #453 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

In the case that a class f is mapped to two or more classes (a and b), if f has message views, its message views are only copied to the first one (a).

For example, when the complete Workflow concern is woven, ParallelExecutionNode and ConditionalExecutionNode are both mapped to CFNWithOutpaths, but only the first of the two has the message views.

Comments (1)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolves #453: Copies message views for each woven to operation.

    For each operation the from operation (old one) was woven into, its message view is copied.

    To be determined is how the ReferenceUpdater can then properly update each message view to the specific to operation.

    → <<cset 98ed4744e067>>

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