Qualified Association not placed correctly

Issue #505 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

When creating an association and selecting KeyIndexed, the qualifier of the association (referred to as key selection in the code) is not placed properly in certain cases. For instance, when the association is drawn horizontally between two classes and the qualifier is located on the left side of a class, the text view is placed behind the class.

Comments (3)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #505: Changes the way the offset of ends is handled.

    Instead of passing the offset to the drawAllLines method, the offset is directly applied to the location of both ends, which allows all following methods to make use of the correct location.

    Previously, the specific location was set only in certain cases in the drawAllLines method, therefore not applying if these specific cases applied, which lead to the key selection text being misplaced occasionally.

    → <<cset b81b5868d162>>

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