Weaving disabled when no instantiations existent

Issue #62 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Currently, when there are no instantiations, the weaving is disabled. An error message is displayed, when "weave all" is clicked.

There are two issues with this:

  • If a user weaves each instantiations one after the other (single weave), there will be no instantiations at the end, but there might be unwoven message or state views left.
  • The code to handle this is located in DisplayAspectScene.actionPerformed(...). But it belongs into the corresponding handler.

Comments (3)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter
    • changed status to open

    A possible solution could be to allow it if there are still aspect message views or unwoven state views present.

    Or just allow it, which could just mean that a copy of an already woven aspect is retrieved.

  2. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolved issue #62: Removed check for instantiations. No check added to DisplaySceneHandler. A more elaborate check would be required to check for unwoven message or state views. For now, a completely woven aspect can be woven again (which just results in a copy).

    → <<cset 89bbb0a2f16a>>

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