Add icons for dock, windows and taskbar

Issue #64 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Add a nice icon to TouchRAM that will be displayed in the dock (Mac OS X), taskbar (Windows) and as a window/app switcher icon (Windows).

A nice icon is located in the SVN repository under RAM/core/touchram.png

Comments (7)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolved issue #64: Added initialization of all icons and setting them to the frame provided by MT4j/Processing.

    Using a workaround for Mac OS in order to set the dock icon. Once a bundle is used, this won't be required.

    Created icons for every possible resolution required by Windows or Mac (we also support retina displays, which are all the @2x icons)

    For Mac OS X, see "Provide the Correct Resources and Let OS X Do the Work".

    For Windows, see:

    → <<cset 5921b52f5ec0>>

  2. Matthias Schoettle reporter
    • changed status to open

    That's right.

    Apple provides sample code using reflection:

    However, I found an improved version of OSXAdapter provided by the knopflerfish project:

    This version works with the latest version of Java 6 for Mac. Also, this version supposedly works with Java 7.

  3. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    We need to make sure that we follow the copyright conditions of the knopflerfish sourcecode.

  4. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolved issue #64: Replaced direct call to with OSXAdapter class. Using a modified version from knopflerfish project, which is compatible with the latest Java 6 version for Mac by Apple. OSXAdapter uses reflection to set the dock icon. It also allows to set other handlers, such as a quit handler.

    → <<cset aa4ed0bba5d9>>

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