Utility classes for EMF.Edit not independent of RAM

Issue #83 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Several utility classes for working with EMF.Edit, such as ca.mcgill.sel.ram.controller.edit.AdapterFactoryRegistry and ca.mcgill.sel.ram.controller.edit.AdapterFactoryUtil and even parts of ca.mcgill.cs.sel.ram.provider.util.RamEcoreUtil use RAM-specific classes and hence make it dependent on RAM.

However, this dependency is unnecessary. Currently it is not possible to reuse these classes for different metamodels (e.g., CORE). This also applies to ca.mcgill.cs.sel.ram.util.RAMPersistence, which could be made general to be able to load and save a model of any metamodel.

I suggest to move these classes (or the methods that are only EMF-specific) to the commons project introduced in issue #82.

Comments (10)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References issue #83: Moved EMF utility classes to commons project and made them independent of a specific metamodel (like RAM).

    ResourceManager: Helper methods used to work with resources (load and save models).

    AdapterFactoryRegistry: Registry to keep adapter factories for models.

    EMFEditUtil: Convenient helper methods to work with EMF.Edit related tasks for any metamodel.

    EMFModelUtil: Convenient helper methods to work with EMF Model related tasks for any metamodel.

    EditingDomainProvidingComposedAdapterFactory: ComposedAdapterFactory that knows the editing domain.

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  2. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References issue #83: Removed complete .edit package (no longer required). Changed RamEcoreUtil usage to new EMFModelUtil. Changed AdapterFactoryUtil usage to new EMFEditUtil.

    Addressed checkstyle problems at the same time.

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  3. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    References #83: Fixed problem where EMFEditUtil failed to load the proper string resource in the generated editor. The item provider factory for RAM was registered for the wrong namespace URI.

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  4. Matthias Schoettle reporter
    • changed status to open

    Changes broke updating the command stack (e.g., when changing something in a TextView):

    Always the same AdapterFactory and its CommandStack is used to execute commands. For example, when loading Observer also ZeroToMany is loaded (and an AdapterFactory created for each). When changing something in Observer the AdapterFactory of ZeroToMany is used instead of the one for Observer.

  5. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Resolved issue #83 again: Instead of adding a new instance of each adapter factory, only one adapter factory was used, which was used for every item provider.

    Now, instead of adding an instance of an adapter factory to the registry, the class is added and when initializing a new adapter factory and editing domain, instances of these adapter factories are created.

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