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ScalaudioBookConverter / Home


Welcome to the SCAB converter (Scalable Audiobook Converter) - the very poorly named MP3 to audiobook converter.

It is a scalable audio book converter written in Scala, so the name does make some sense at least.

Since both the formats (MP3 and AAC) are lossy, the only way to convert between them is to decode -> encode.

Currently it is a simple commandline app that takes n MP3 files and constructs 1 AAC file. The idea is to keep it as simple as possible for as long as possible, and a GUI will be added at some later point.


The project is currently done by me only, and is for home use only. Should you have some great ideas/changes, feel free to contact me by e-mail: jesenko [at] mehmedbasic [dot] dk


   ScalaudioBookConverter inputfile1...inputfileN -o outputfile

Frameworks and libraries


Used to decode the input MP3 files.


Used to encode the AAC files


Used to create the final file.


The application is multi-threaded, so it utilizes what it can based on the number of processors. For a quad core processor that means running four conversions in parallel, each having a temporary file stored.

A conversion decodes the MP3 file whilst feeding the PCM output to the FAAC executable.

When all files are converted, they are concatenated using FFMPEG, which does the concatenation losslessly.


The software is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv3). Conditions and license details can be found here
