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RegionManager is a plugin for Bukkit that allows server admins to automatically create and manage regions and adds a region trading system for everyone's use. It is compatible with WorldGuard and every economy plugin that supports Vault.

Feature overview for RegionManager

  • region creation (variable region size)
  • auto-creating regions
  • region trading system
  • marking of bought/sold regions
  • update notifications
  • in-game configuration editor
  • importing WorldGuard regions


Please go here if you want to download files that have been approved by the Curse team.

Development versions

Development versions have not been approved by the Curse team and will contain critical bugs. Only use them if you know what you are doing! You can find them here.

Report a bug

All reported bugs are located here. Please check - before reporting a new bug - if the bug is already reported or explained in the FAQ.

Create an issue on BitBucket

This requires a free of charge Atlassian account. The usual response time is a few hours. You will also be automatically notified when the issue is fixed.

Create a new issue

Create an issue on BukkitDev

You need a Curse account for this, which is free. We usually reply within a few hours. You will be automatically notified when the issue is fixed as well.

Create a new issue

Write a comment on BukkitDev

We will likely respond within a few hours. If you receive no response, comment again.

Go to the project page

Send a private message

You can send your questions or bug reports via a private message to me on BitBucket or BukkitDev.

Send an e-mail

If you neither have a Curse account nor an Atlassian account, you can send us an e-mail. Expect a reply whithin 1 to 2 days.

Please include, to increase the recognition time of bug report e-mails, the text RegionManager bug report somewhere in the e-mail's subject.

Send an email to


All suggestions are located here. Please check - before posting a new suggestion - if your idea was already posted or is otherwise mentioned in the FAQ.

Create an issue on BitBucket

This requires a free Atlassian account. Expect a response within a few hours. If the suggestion was accepted, you will be automatically notified.

If you are referring to an already implemented feature that you want to be improved, please choose enhancement as the issue's type. If you want to suggest a new feature, please use the type proposal.

Create a new issue

Create an issue on BukkitDev

You'll need a Curse account for this. The usual response time is a few hours. If your suggesstion was accepted, you will be automatically notified.

Please note that, to speed up the recognition of suggestions, the type of the issue has to be enhancement.

Create a new issue

Write a comment on BukkitDev

We will likely respond within a few hours. If you receive no response, comment again.

Go to the project page

Send a private message

You can send your suggestions via a private message to me on BitBucket or BukkitDev.

Send an e-mail

If you neither have a Curse account nor an Atlassian account, you can send us an e-mail. Expect a reply whithin 1 to 2 days.

Please include, to increase the recognition time of suggestion e-mails, the text RegionManager suggestion somewhere in the e-mail's subject.

Send an email to

Legacy versions

If you'd like to have the latest version of RegionManager for an earlier Bukkit version (e.g. 1.4.7), please contact me via PM on BitBucket, PM on BukkitDev or an email to


  1. Install WorldGuard
  2. (optional) Install Vault
  3. Place RegionManager's .jar in your server's plugins/ folder
  4. (recommended) Configure the users' permissions - for a full description of all permissions, please visit the Permissions page
  5. Start/restart your Bukkit server
  6. Configure RegionManager with the in-game command /rm config
  7. You're ready to go


In case you'd like to show your support for RegionManager please choose from our RegionManager banners...

...or gift me a coffee via PayPal.

Learn more

Project leader: lirtistasya Project's Twitter: rm_builds
