Save each XML before starting to render

Issue #43 resolved
Eric Wolf created an issue

Lately I’ve been making 4-6 fractals at a time, and then render them with high qualities and high resolutions (takes anywhere from 5-20 minutes per flame). I always check “save xml” when rendering, but if something were to happen like losing power or a crash, the xmls are only saved from the renders that have finished (or are in process), but the xmls of flames that haven’t been rendered yet are lost (unless previously saved before beginning the render. Is there a way to run the ‘save xml’ over each flame before starting the rendering process?

Comments (5)

  1. Eric Wolf reporter

    Hi sorry yes, I suppose that’s an answer. I always forget to do it though, and it can be annoying to have to individually save 10 fractals since I’d rather not save them all in the same file. But it is workable (most devs I’ve interacted with would have already closed this, sorry I didn’t respond)

  2. Matt Feemster repo owner

    I definitely don’t want you to save each individual flame, having to repeat the process ten times. I would instead just recommend saving all of them in a single file as you mentioned, by using the File | Save entire file as xml menu item.

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