Subject Matter Expert config screen not rendering correctly

Issue #1 resolved
Paul Mabley created an issue

The configuration page for the SME plugin is not rendering properly in Google Chrome or in IE. This prevents uses or groups being selected from the dropdowns.


This is on Atlassian Bitbucket v4.3.2

Comments (9)

  1. Mike Kessler repo owner

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for reporting this issue. I have been on vacation and will be back in the office tomorrow. I will build for Bitbucket 4.3.2 and see if I can't also reproduce this.

    In the meantime it would help to get a little more context on how you've encountered this problem:

    • How did you get to the configuration pages you mentioned? What is being rendered indicates that the plugin doesn't know which repository or project you should be in.
    • Have you read the wiki?
    • Are there any particular errors in the Bitbucket log that might correspond with when you encounter this screen?

    Thanks for the feedback, I will get back to you tomorrow with anything else I might find.

    Cheers MIke

  2. Paul Mabley reporter

    Hi Mike

    I get to the configuration page from the repository settings page, as shown in the wiki. Probably not relevant but just so you know, my BitBucket instance only has a single repository on it at the moment.

    I've montiored attlassian-bitbucket.log and nothing gets inserted when opening the SME config page.

    Regards Paul

  3. Mike Kessler repo owner

    Hi Paul,

    I've spawned an instance of BB 4.3.2 and unfortunately do not see the same problem: Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 3.32.13 PM.png

    Some perspective: there is an html meta tag called a decorator that the Atlassian SDK uses to render pages in a way that makes it look like the rest of the app. For some reason, it looks like your instance is not understanding that decorator. I can reproduce your problem by removing the decorator, however it doesn't make sense that your version of 4.3.2 doesn't understand it: Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 3.34.38 PM.png

    In Chrome, can you right-click on the page and select View Page Source and paste the contents here?

    Note: some of your user/group information might be available in the page source, so feel free to redact anything that you might consider sensitive.

    Thanks Mike

  4. Paul Mabley reporter

    Hi Mike

    As requested....

    <html><head><meta name="decorator" content="stash.repository.settings"><meta name="projectKey" content="GIT"><meta name="repositorySlug" content="lap"><meta name="activeTab" content="repository-settings-plugin-tab"><title>lap</title></head><body><form id="admin" class="aui"><h2>Subject Matter Experts Merge Check</h2><br><div class="aui-message aui-message-generic"><p class="title">Subject Matter Expert Configuration</p><p>Choose which users/groups should be considered Subject Matter Experts (SME) for the lap repository.<br>If the merge check is on, a pull request cannot be merged unless the auther is an SME or an SME approves the pull request.</p><p>For more help, see the <a target="_blank" href=>Subject Matter Experts Wiki</a>.</p></div><div class="field-group"><label>Merge Check:</label><div class="aui-buttons switch mode-toggle"><button class="aui-button switch-mode-off mode-disabled" id="merge_disable_button" outline=none value=true type="button" title="Turn off this merge check" aria-pressed="false" autocomplete="off">Off</button><button class="aui-button switch-mode-on mode-enabled" id="merge_enable_button" outline=none value=false type="button" title="Turn on this merge check" aria-pressed="false" autocomplete="off">On</button>  </div><span class=description id="enable_status" style="display: none" ></span></div><div class="field-group"><label>User Search:</label><input type="text" onClick=";" id="user_search" name="time" class="text" value = "Enter username..." autocomplete="off"> <button id="adduser" type="button" class="aui-button">Add User</button>  <span class=description id="useradd_status" style="display: none" ></span><br><select class="multi-select" id="users_available_select" size=1></select></div><div class="field-group"><label>SME Users:</label><select class="multi-select" id="users_approved_select" size=10></select> <button id="removeuser" type="button" class="aui-button">Remove User</button>  <span class=description id="userremove_status" style="display: none" ></span></div><div class="field-group"><label>Group Search:</label><input type="text" onClick=";" id="group_search" name="time" class="text" value = "Enter group..." autocomplete="off"> <button id="addgroup" type="button" class="aui-button">Add Group</button>  <span class=description id="groupadd_status" style="display: none" ></span><br><select class="multi-select" id="groups_available_select" size=1></select></div><div class="field-group"><label>SME Groups:</label><select class="multi-select" id="groups_approved_select" size=10></select> <button id="removegroup" type="button" class="aui-button">Remove Group</button>  <span class=description id="groupremove_status" style="display: none" ></span></div><div class="field-group"></div><input type="hidden" id="users_available_list" value="A list of users;"/><input type="hidden" id="groups_available_list" value="lap developers;"/><input type="hidden" id="repo_id" value="31" /><input type="hidden" id="project_id" value="102" /></form></body></html>

  5. Mike Kessler repo owner

    Thanks Paul,

    I think I've figured out the problem. I will try to get a new version published tonight. I appreciate all of your help in debugging this!!

    Cheers Mike

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