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Hi, welcome to the wiki of Subject Matter Experts for Bitbucket Server by mfk_productions.

This plugin is designed for a workflow where certain users (or groups) are required for review of a particular repo. By enabling Subject Matter Experts, a pull request cannot be merged unless a review is approved by at least one user who is considered a 'Subject Matter Expert'.


Admin access is required to setup this plugin. Subject Matter Experts can be configured per repository. The configuration can be accessed under Workflow in the repository settings page:

The plugin settings screen allows an administrator to configure who should be configured as an SME for the particular repository.


Merge Check - This will turn the merge check on or off. If enabled, a Pull Request cannot be merged unless the Author is an SME or the review is approved by an SME.


SME Users - This section allows users to be specified as SMEs.

  1. To search for users, begin typing in the User Search Input Box. A list of matches will begin to appear for a search.
  1. Clicking on the user from the dropdown list results in the User Search Input Box being populated with the selection:
  1. Clicking on the Add User button results in the user becoming an SME:
  1. At this point, the user is considered a Subject Matter Expert! Any Pull Request merged to this repository will require his approval (or any other SME configured) in order to be merged.
  2. To remove this user from the list of SMEs, select the user from the list and click the Remove User Button:

SME Groups - This section is organized the same as the SME Users section. The actions for search/add/remove SME applies with the same concept. If a user is part of a group that is configured to be an SME, that user becomes an SME.


If the merge-check is enabled, a Pull Request cannot be merged without approval of a Subject Matter Expert (or if the PR Author is an SME):


Once an SME approves, the pull request can be merged:


For more mfk_productions plugins, please visit my vendor site: mfk Productions

Hope you enjoy this!
