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musclemodelR is an R package that is used to simulate the dynamic interaction between Hill-type muscle models and linear elastic elements. The basic code was originally developed to simulate fixed-end contractions (i.e., no change in muscle-tendon unit length), but since has been expanded to study active lengthening of muscles. Currently, the models are used to simulate the effect of tendons on 1) deceleration of mass and 2) direct lengthening of the muscle-tendon unit during muscle activation.
The easiest way to install this package is to use the install_bitbucket()
function from the devtools
Installing devtools
To install devtools
, you can find more information at its github page.
Installing musclemodelR
To install musclemodelR
after successful installation of devtools
devtools::install_bitbucket(repo = "michaelvrosario/musclemodelR")
as well as any dependencies.
The following example demonstrates the framework for simulating the effect of muscle activation in conjunction with a constant rate of muscle-tendon unit elongation.
# load package library(musclemodelR) ############################# ### single simulation test ## ############################# constants <- list( useFV = T, useLT = T, type = "MTU_ramp", k = 35, dt = 1/1000, Fmax = 250, v_mus_max = 13, l0_mus = 70, x_mus_0 = 70, m_mus = 0.025, lengthenRate = -120, lengthenDuration = 0.100) constants <- inputList <- makeInputList(constants = constants) singleRun <- SimulateMTUlengthening_PSO(inputList = inputList) ######################## ### batch simulation ### ######################## constants <- list( useFV = T, useLT = T, type = "MTU_ramp", k = c(35, Inf, 40), dt = 1/1000, Fmax = 250, v_mus_max = 13, l0_mus = 70, x_mus_0 = 70, m_mus = 0.025, lengthenRate = -120, lengthenDuration = 0.100) constants <- expand.grid(constants) # run simulation and export to *.JSON RunMultipleSimulations(inputs = constants, file = "data.JSON", previousResults = F) # import results back to R data <- importJSON(file = "data.JSON") # plot time series data # data[[1]] is a summary of all simulations included in data # first set of results saved in data[[2]] PlotTimeSeries(data=data[[2]], pdf=TRUE)
create simulation of direct lengtheninggeneralize deceleration code for recyclingsetup lengthening simulations after experimental datacreate script to analyze lengthening resultsmodify deceleration analysis to investigate effect of massinclude installation and usage in wikicreate documentation of functions using oxygengeneralize functions to include stimulation parameterssimulate deactivation with activation, split data into lengthening and notfix lengthening unit testsadd indexing parameter for analysis fxns (DIY query)add r package documentationlook up how to document package and make manual- implement intermediate unit testing
genarilize code to take time-varying L_MTU and activation
Model parameters
iterate though tendon stiffness?- get a good estimate of combined FMax of all muscles connected to spring
calculate tendon stiffness from lengthening experimental data829Mpa -> 378N/mm