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Welcome to the Wiki of Mike Bray
The Repository for my Extensions has been moved to GitHub. These pages are no longer maintained. Please refer to the new Wiki at
This Wiki has been created to pass on information, code and opinions. I hope you find it useful.
Moneydance is a popular finance package that is constantly being improved. This Wiki describes Moneydance 2019, 2021 and 2022. For previous versions please refer to the Wiki for Moneydance 2015. The operation of the current build is not dissimilar to 2015/7, however there are a number of changes which not only improve the user interface but also the installation on Windows and interoperability via python.
Moneydance™ is a trade mark of The Infinite Kind TIK
If you are upgrading on Windows you might want to read this.
The file structure of 2019 is the same as 2017, however, there have been some changes in the way currency and security prices are stored. Once you have opened a file in 2019 it is inadvisable to open it in 2017.
The Wiki/site is split into a number of different areas:
- Information about the Moneydance Personal Finance package (see Moneydance)
- Extensions for Moneydance developed by Mike Bray (see Extensions)
Update History
Build 3205 - 21/11/2023 - verified by TIK
- Report Writer - changes required to support MD Build 5007 onwards
Build 3204 -29/10/2023 - verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - minor bug fixes
Build 3203 -19/9/2023 - verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - added runstandalone run time parameter
Build 3202 -30/3/2023 - verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - minor bug fixes
Build 3201 -18/3/2023 - verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - minor bug fixes
Build 3200 -5/3/2023 - not verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - major rewrite to expand screen space, add alternate tickers and remove redundant code
Build 3058 - 6/1/2022 - verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - fix for history
Build 3057 - 4/1/2023 - verified by TIK,
- Quote Loader - fix for currencies, rewrite of quote generation, adding of new source (Yahoo+TD)
Build 3053 - 24/12/2022 -verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - changed to use the new Yahoo web page layout
Build 3048 - 15/06/2022 -verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - changed date handling on quotes due to changes in Java 17
Build 3047 - May 2022 - verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - changed the timeouts to accommodate large number of securities
Build 3046 28/02/2022 - not verified by TIK
- Report Writer - changed max field length to 1024
Build 3046 18/02/2022 - Verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - corrected bug with entering currency price manually when num dec places set to 8. - added feature to open price history screen with double click of ticker
Build 3045 09/01/2022 - Verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - allow updating of High and Low prices independent of Volumes. - Correct loading of history prices when pseudo currency used
Build 3042 29/08/2021 - Verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - added capability to have duplicate tickers
Build 3041 17/08/2021 - Verified by TIK
- File Display - changed icons used on tree display to overcome issues introduced in MD build 3090
- Quote Loader - corrected handling of blank history line in Yahoo HD - removed 'Are you sure' message when closing extension - added flag to allow user to override current price with latest trade price. If not selected the current price is not updated unless the Trade Date is newer than the current price date.
Build 3040 21/07/2021 - Verified by TIK except QIF Loader
- File Display - added time to dates, sorted entries
- Quote Loader - corrected issues with moving data from Windows to Mac - corrected alignment on % chg
Build 3039 01/07/2021 - Verified by TIK except QIF loader
- File Display - display long date parameters as date
- Quote Loader - right aligned numerical fields - corrected bug in updating current price - corrected % chg field to use no decimal places.
Build 3038 05/06/2021 - Verified by TIK except QIF Loader
- Quote Loader - corrected issues with export files
Build 3037 25/05/2021 - NOT Verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - added % changed column to new price, bug fixes
Build 3036 02/05/2021- Verified by TIK except QIF Loader
- Quote Loader - corrected issue with volume in csv export file. Introduced in build 3033.
Build 3035 21/04/2021- NOT Verified by TIK - uploaded to Downloads Folder
- All Extensions - fixed second error in parameters, was not remembering changes
- Report Writer - Added intro screen to help users who use the extension without reading the Wiki
Build 3034 16/04/2021 - Verified by TIK
- All extensions - fixed error in parameters, using more than one extension in same run overwrote parameters
- Report Writer - fixed issue with first run parameter setting
Build 3033 12/04/2021 - NOT Verified by TIK
- File Display - fixed issue created by new preview change of Look and Feel
- Report Writer - fixed issues around zip files
- Quote Loader - added high and low prices to Yahoo History
Build 3031 09/04/2021 - Verified by TIK
- Quote Loader - fixed issue with setting the current price, this was being overwritten by any transaction entered in the same day.
- Report Writer - fixed 2 issues. 1. Transfer acct on investment trans was being set wrong. 2. Price decimal places were wrong on securities with greater than 4 decimal places. (unverified)
Build 3030 02/04/2021
- Report Writer - added Parent Category and Category Full Name to transaction, added Amount to Investment Transaction. Normally Amount matches Parent Value. On dividend transfers the parent value is 0.0 but the Amount field has the dividend amount.
Build 3029 28/2/2021
- Quote Loader - fixed bug when blank line ticked
Build 3028 29/01/2021
- First Beta release of Report Writer
Build 3027 6/12/2020 - Verified by TIK
All extensions updated debugging process
Quote Loader - Allowed & in ticker symbols, overcome issue created by TIK adding Locales to latest build
Build 3026 3/7/2020 - Verified by TIK
- Quote Loader added retrieval of historical currency rates from Yahoo.
Build 3025 11/06/2020 - Verified by TIK
- Quote Loader added feature to retrieve historical prices from Yahoo and FT
Build 3024 28/03/2020 - Verified by TIK
- Quote Loader now deals with indices on Yahoo (^xxx), slight change to have the exchange column works.
Build 3023 08/02/2020 - Verified by TIK
- Quote Loader added GBp to pseudo currencies for Yahoo/
Build 3021 01/02/2020 - Verified by TIK
- MB Installer retired due to change in MD security
- Quote Loader re-architected to eliminate Rhumba and hleofxquotes.jar, new backend added. Change to button names on Exporting prices.
Build 3018 08/12/19
- Security Transaction Loader - Introduced use of new way of creating investment transactions, no change in functionality
Build 3017 06/12/19
- Security Transaction Loader - correct generation of transactions, remember last directory
Build 3016 02/08/19
- Quote Loader - Right align fields.
Build 3015 01/08/19
- Quote Loader - change all tickers to upper case when loading.
Build 3014 20/6/19
- Quote Loader - added 2 and 3 as options for decimal places. Made change to storage of security prices, now rounded to chosen decimal places.
Build 3013 31/5/19
- Quote Loader - fix bug in autorun when MD left running over night
Build 3012 10/5/19
- Security Transaction Loader - bug fixes on creation of transactions created by changes to MD
Build 3011 24/4/19
- QIF Loader - updated for UNIX.
Build 3010 23/4/19
- QIF Loader - introduced
Build 3009 27/2/19
- Quote Loader - cater for different font sizes
Build 3008 02/2/19
- Quote Loader - bug fix for unix
Build 3007 31/1/19
- Quote Loader introduced zip file
Build 3006 30/1/19
- Quote Loader - added Yahoo HD as a source, corrected check boxes on Linux
Build 3005 17/1/19
- Quote Loader - added export file for prices
Build 3004 8/1/19
- All extensions - set the minimum build number to 1820 to prevent extension being run on earlier versions of Moneydance
Build 3003 3/1/19
- Budget Generator - change error messages to a single message at the end of load
- Quote Loader - expanded next run date, clear 'Select All' flag once prices loaded
Build 3002 28/12/18
- Quote Loader - set table font colours to default for theme
Build 3001 21/12/2018
- Security Price Load, Security History Load, Quote Loader - updates to price storage using new 2019 features.
Build 3000 19/12/2018
- All extensions - transferred to Moneydance 2019.