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Moneydance-2019 / Quote Loader Parameters

Home>Extensions>Quote Loader>Parameters

The Parameters screen shows the various options available within Quote Loader. These are split up into two types:

  • Parameters Controlling Automatic Running (Red Box)
  • Parameters Controlling the various records included in the tables and how they are displayed (Blue Box)

The screen looks like this:


Automatic Running and the various parameters are described in Automatic Running.

Selection and Display Parameters

The parameters in the Blue box control what is included in your tables, how they are displayed and other items such as Exporting of data. Note: You must Save these parameters to ensure they are reloaded at start up .

The screen looks like this :


The screen is split up into 4 areas.


The parameters dealing with Securities are:

  • Include Securities with no holdings (1)

When not selected Quote Loader will only load Securities that are assigned to an Investment Account and have holdings of non zero. If you click on this parameter all Securities assigned to an Investment Account will be loaded. It will also load any Security that has the 'Show on summary page' option selected.

  • Save Volume Data if available (2)

The volume of a days trading is available for some Securities on some sources. If checked and the data is available Quote Loader will save the Volume Data to the price table.

  • Update Moneydance Current Price (3)

If checked Quote Loader will override the Current Price for a Security if the Trade Date is greater than the last date in the price table.

  • Retrieved Missing Prices (4)

If you check this and you are using one of the History sources (FT HD or Yahoo HD) any prices returned that are after the last price date will be loaded.

  • Amount of Yahoo History to collect (5)

If you are retrieving History data and using the Yahoo HD source this parameter restricts how far back Quote Loader will go. It can be 1,2 or 3 months. Data holder than that will be ignored. If you are using the FT HD source only 1 month of data is returned.

Exchange Rates

The parameters that affect Exchange Rates are:

  • Include Exchange Rates (6)

If checked Quote Loader will include any Exchange Rate that has the 'Show on Summary page' option checked.

  • Display on same tab as Securities (7)

If Include Exchange Rates (6) is checked and this parameter is checked the Exchange Rate table will be displayed on the same tab as the Securities and the tab will be named Securities/Exchange Rates.

  • Display on separate tab (8)

If Include Exchange Rates (6) is checked and this parameter is checked the Exchange Rate table will be displayed on a separate tab named Exchange Rates and the Securities on a tab named Securities.


Quote Loader can export data. This is explained in more detail in Exporting Data. These parameters control when data will be exported.

  • CSV Output Export Folder (9)

Before you can export any data you must identify a folder on your machine where the files will be written. Click on 'Change Export Folder' (12) to select the folder.

  • Export on Save (10)

Select this parameter if you wish a file to be created each time you save some prices.

  • Export on Auto Run (13)

Select this parameter if you wish a file to be created whenever an Automatic Run is executed

General Settings

  • Decimal Digits (13)

The price data in the two tables uses the number of decimal digits declared when the Security/Currency is created, however, some Securities or Currencies require more digits to be displayed (Crypto Currencies in particular). This parameter determines how many decimal digits are displayed.

  • Console Messages (14)

Quote Loader writes messages to the Moneydance console log to help with tracking issues with the retrieving of quotes. The level of detail can be controlled. You can turn messages Off, only see Information message, see Information and Summary messages or see all messages.

Note: Detailed messages fill up the console log very quickly so only use this if asked by Support and turn them off afterwards.


Remember You must save the parameters by clicking on Save Parameters (15). You can also Cancel all changes (16)
